'Great Scott,' An Opera About An Opera, Premieres In Dallas
Texas Public Radio
by Bill Feeble
View Feature
Can you imagine a big opera premiere opening on the same night as the Super Bowl? In the same city as one of the big game teams? That’s just one of the turns in the opera “Great Scott,” which opens this Friday in Dallas.
Some operas are bigger than life. Others are based on real life. This one blends both.
In a storied European opera house, the lead character Arden Scott finds the music for an old opera in the back of a drawer. She decides she wants to sing the part of Rosa Dolorosa, a bel canto role of fluid and challenging vocal lines. The work’s never been heard before.
Mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato is one of the stars of “Great Scott.” In effect she’s singing two roles: Arden Scott, and her character, Rosa Dolorosa.
“Rosa’s journey, in the opera, Rosa Dolorosa is ahh — breathtaking!” DiDonato says. “She’s made to sacrifice herself to save the people of Pompeii. Arden Scott — hers is quite personal; in some ways it feels autobiographical. She’s an American diva coming home, doesn’t quite fit there anymore. She’s not sure she’s made a difference.”
See the entire feature here.