First of all, a few stats about my last 5 months:

2 torn ligaments
1 ankle surgery
1 pair of crutches and 2 walking casts
5 countries
2 new roles (oh, I love you ladies!)
2 new productions
1 revival, whose premiere coincided with the year of my birth
26 shows
2 magical recitals
1 thrilling recording
6 CD signings (thank you for coming out!)
Countless interviews (in French, Italian and English)
1 book dedication (shout out to Donna Leon for the coolest thing EVER!)
1 amazing Carbonara w/ Tartufo (Courtesy of my husband!)

*Saying good-bye to the trusted, sturdy boot*

I don’t know when I’ve ever experienced a period as intensive, complete, rewarding, challenging, uplifting, tiring, or thrilling as this, before. I will admit to being a bit overwhelmed. I feel quite happy to have ended the summer still STANDING (yes!) and feeling strong and energized. In fact, I feel that I finished the summer with more energy than I started it with – hence this mini-boom in technology on my part!

Artistically I feel that I’ve done some of the best work I’ve ever done this past summer, and I don’t say that to brag; simply that I recognize that I took some significant leaps forward artistically, and I believe that is to do with the challenging new roles which I relished learning, with the wonderful conductors I have collaborated with, and the great artists with whom I have shared the stage. I felt it was a summer of constant learning and growing from these “teachers” and I made it a point to soak up each moment – and now that it has come to an end, I can can feel the fruits of being present in each and every one of these events.

*A summer of beautiful collaborations*

Last night as I walked out onto the stage of the Usher Hall at the Edinburgh Festival, I took my normal 20-25 minutes on stage by myself. It is very nearly my favorite moment of the night.

An expectancy bubbles over in the air, and I get to sit at the piano and just feel the space for a bit, before the energy of the crowd descends on the hall. Last night I knew it would be a great recital, and indeed, there was an extraordinary feeling in the hall. Both David and I felt a freedom in the music-making that can only come from repeated performances, and a long collaboration with a trusted music-mate. It was bliss, and the absolutely perfect conclusion to a summer that fed me deeply in many, many ways.

I am now officially on vacation, so you won’t hear from me for awhile. But I’ll be recouping and resting and rejuvenating and reveling in time at home with my husband and family and friends. It’s been a long time coming and I plan in drinking every moment in to the fullest!

I want to thank you all for the wonderful, enthusiastic support you have showered me with during this past season, and I hope that it will only get better and better from here on out!