So I am hunkered down here in Roma (how I WISH I had free time here to explore!) deep into my next solo recording for Virgin/EMI records. I would like to blog a bit each day about the recording process, repertoire, etc, but I think that might spoil the news of the release. When I’m at liberty to divulge more, I will. I promise.
But suffice it to say I have a BIG, GRUELING, EXCITING and OVERWHELMING project I’m working on during these 5 days, and we got off to a fabulous start today. I’m with the Orchestra of Santa Cecilia here in Rome, and I could not love their playing any more – such a positive group of musicians who have this kind of music deep “in their DNA” as one member of the wind section told me today. It’s true – they really do, and it’s making this project an IMMENSE pleasure, with musical values running very high.
I was walking with the Maestro to listen to one of our takes, and we were both like little kids, so thrilled to be a part of this project, so honored to be making music together – so overwhelmed at the task at hand! But as with everything, one step at a time – one note at a time, and all the spare moments are grabbed to rest and keep the mind focused!!
So this week will be quiet from me here on the blog (but not in the studio!). I know I still owe a report on the Lieberson piece, and I will get to it – again, I promise! Please don’t take my silence for displeasure of the piece – quite the contrary. It was an incredibly beautiful, moving experience for me!!! But I just need the time to sit with my thoughts on it!
Not this week …. too many notes to think about!!!
Wish me luck!!!