Contrary to what may be popular belief, I have not, in fact, fallen off the face of the earth!! I’ve been enjoying some real down time, and have truly made the most of it: a little slice of heaven at the end of a long winter! But I’m resurfacing, rejuvenated and ready to discover the beautiful city of Vienna, ready to discover a brand new creation by Peter Lieberson, and ready to tackle my next recording.
Oh, how could I forget? There has been one, little, and yes, exciting development: ALCINA IS HERE!!!!!
I arrived home from a long stint in Paris a few weeks ago with a package waiting for me; tearing it open I discovered the long-awaited finished product of our hard work from nearly 18 months earlier: Alcina had arrived! We recorded the piece in the tiny village of Tuscania, and while it was only a year and a half earlier, so much has happened in my life, to revisit her, and discover anew this glorious, tormented and, I think terribly misunderstood, creature captivated me. (If you’d like to revisit it as well, I wrote about the recording process here.)
Well, in the meantime, have no fear – I’ve been continuing to search out inspiration and smiles. So much has fit the bill, but honestly, nothing quite like this gem: ENJOY….