I am breaking my rule by posting a “gratitude photo” that I didn’t actually take, but I made the rule, so, what? Who’s gonna tell?

I’m just so darn grateful that I know Josè-Manuel Zapata. Truly, he is one of those people that makes my life SO much better and brighter and more beautiful. He makes me laugh with his sardonic wit, cry with his plangeant voice, and love life all the more by his incredible spirit! (He is also apparently a pretty good role model for my “Idamante” – although I’m pretty sure I could take him!!)

I’m grateful for this beautiful man!

(and technically, I set up the shot, so it counts a little bit – thank you to Eva, my wonderful makeup artist not only for transforming me into a guy – more or less, but also for taking this photo: Muchas gracias, Guapa!)