Final countdown
Nearly 2 months ago to the day, I turned the key in my lock on my apartment in Kansas City and have been involved in a whirlwind of recordings, performances, learning-learning-learning, flying, recital-ing, filming, interviewing, gala-ing, photographing, decision-making, autographing, and occasionally indulging in fois gras ever since. To quote a high level friend, it has been one of the “richest” periods of my professional life – and I’m ready for a break! I get one more blessed performance of Romeo this afternoon (where has the time gone?), and then I say goodbye to the lovestruck lad, and fly halfway around the world to find my own! Am I there, yet?
More a bit later, but in the meantime, here is a most unrepresentative glimpse of what I’ve been doing with my time the past 3 days!