Central Park Safari
So to put all your lovely hearts at ease, I have, indeed, been wonderful in these past weeks – no cause for alarm! I’ve always said I will happily contribute to this blog when #1: I have the time, and #2: I actually have something to say! It’s good for me to not lose sight of the fact that I want always to have a fulfilling life outside of my singing (and blogging and photo-taking), so I’ve been reveling in the beautiful spring weather, in getting some time with my friends and family, and getting lots of soul-feeding socializing in this lovely thing they call “free time”! (I had almost forgotten what that was!!!) But things are gearing back up, and that means crawling back out from the woodwork!
To warm things up, I spent a lovely few hours in Central Park on the most beautiful of May days, and found myself imaging I was back on Safari – hey, a girl can dream, right? Wild birds and cats abounded:
