Back to School
Truth be told, I miss being in school just a little bit: in years past, the annual mid-August schlep to the department store to buy new school shoes, pencils, a new notebook (just begging to be scrawled on with things like “Joyce & Eric 4EVR”), and a new stockpile of white anklets to match my school uniform and those shiny new saddle shoes was always an event that signaled a new start bursting with fresh opportunities. Well, the annual shopping trip no longer requires the purchase of protractors or wide-line notebook paper, but I do still garner a small bit of glee purchasing a new highlighter for the coming new scores waiting to be marked up with those telling yellow highlights and red pencil markings! This coming season demands a lot of highlighting, as there is a slew of new music for me to acquaint myself with, and since my calendar has loudly ROARED that my short, quick, fleeting vacation is way behind me, it’s time to get back into the groove.
But in a quick salute to days gone by, how about a little “What I did on my summer vacation” pictorial recap? Not too much to write about, other than a blissful first experience in Greece, an incredibly rewarding concert in Pesaro, one awesome event after another from the Olympics, and a full-steam-ahead launch to my first Don Giovanni here in London:
Rossini’s Statue at the Festival Conservatory:
Covent Garden performers:
And finally, my favorite Olympic showing ever. Enjoy: