Recitals with Carrie-Ann Matheson in Spain
Joyce DiDonato returns to the stage this month, performing two recitals with pianist Carrie-Ann Matheson at the Festival de Verano, and the Festival Internacional de Santander.
On August 6 at the Teatro Auditorio San Lorenzo de El Escorial, part of the Festival de Verano, Ms. DiDonato performs a colorful program of works by Haydn, Mozart, Granados, Bellini and Rossini. DiDonato and Matheson will reprise the program on August 8, at the Festival Internacional de Santander.
Mahler from Rückert-Lieder
Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen
Ich atmet’ einen linden Duft
Liebst du um Schönheit
Mozart from Le nozze di Figaro
Voi che sapete che cosa è amor
Giunse alfin il momento – Deh vieni, no tardar
Luna from El niño judío
De España Vengo
Hasse from Marc’Antonio e Cleopatra
Morte col fiero aspetto
Handel from Giulio Cesare
É pur così in un giorno… Piangerò la sorte mia
Granados from Tonadillas en estilo antiguo
La maja dolorosa I (Oh! muerte cruel…)
La maja dolorosa II (¡Ay, majo de mi vida…!)
La maja dolorosa III (De aquel majo amante…)
Berstein Greeting
Scheer Lean away
Traditional Shenandoah
H. Arlen Somewhere over the rainbow