Joyce DiDonato’s exceptional masterclass series that is held every Spring at Carnegie Hall has unfortunately been canceled due to the outbreak of COVID-19. The public masterclass series was scheduled to take place on April 6, 7, 8, featuring four rising talented singers: soprano Sara LeMesh, mezzo-soprano Siphokazi Molteno, tenor David Morgans Sanchez, and baritone Łukasz Zientarski. has graciously made all of Joyce’s past masterclasses at Carnegie Hall available to stream for free via from April 6-8. To discover her annual series of masterclasses on opera repertoire, click here.

“You are here to serve the words, the stage director, the melody, the author (…) but above all—and this is the most important—with each breath, each step, and each note, you are here to serve humanity.” ~Joyce DiDonato